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The Challange


We are doing a family challenge to raise funds for orphans in Uganda! We will be doing this by climbing a mountain as a family. Jonathan and I are often looking for ways to involve our girls in missions and needs around the world. We don’t want missions to become something they are just seeing from the sidelines, but that it’s something they are actively part of, in prayer and in deed. So that’s what we are going to do, to climb a mountain raising funds for education!

The Climbers





60 pounds is what it costs to send 1 child to school for an entire year in Uganda. For us this seemed like a special and clear goal. The past weeks we have talked a lot and prayed about this, asking ourselves how many kids would we want to send to school? Of course we would want every child to have a chance of going to school! But for now we agreed that it would be brilliant if we could send 30 kids to school!

Would you want to participate in this challenge?

Climb with us!


We will be climbing Snowdon at the beginning of May! In the meanwhile, we have already started to train by going for long walks with the girls. What awaits us can be hard, although we do love a good challenge. We would like to challenge you to participate with us financially! The children that we are helping are part of a Project that we were able to visit last year in Uganda. This project is called ‘Orphans Know More’ and has as it’s the main goal to place orphans in families and to help these families take care of these children. They help by raising funds to pay for their school. If you would like to partner up in this challenge you can fill in the form on this page to let us know how you would like to help.


Raised 100% of £1800

How does it work?

This will let us know who is donating and with what amount so we can know when we have reached our goal.

Commmitment Form

    I would like to contribute to this fundraiser for OKM with an amount of:


    Keep me updated on this challenge and further news:
    yes pleasenot interested

    When you have filled out the form above you will receive an email from us with further explanation and information about how to make the donation to Orphans Know More.

    It is important that when you make your donation that you also fill in that the donation is towards the Climbing Snowdon Challenge for Orphans Know More. This in order for us to know if we have reached our goal.

    Frequent asked questions:

    Snowdon is 1.085 meters high and the highest mountain in Wales and England.

    Snowdon was used by Edmund Hillary to train for his Mount Everest expedition.

    There are 6 routes you can use to climb to reach the top of Snowdon. We will be choosing one that will be safe for them.
    The project that we will be supporting with this fundraising challenge is a project that is supported and works in partnership with YWAM Harpenden. This gives us a direct line of connection with ‘Orphans Know More’, enabling us to give the money directly to the project workers.
    The project ‘Orphans Know More’ depends on financial support to be able to support the families that take in the orphaned children. This is something that touched us as a family and something our girls would love to be involved in. We believe that the best place for a child is a family, even for orphaned children of course! But in order to be able to do this, the receiving families in Uganda need the extra help. We would like to help these children in need to receive the best love and care they can get.

    Orphans Know More is a project that was started years ago by one of the daughters of missionaries from YWAM Harpenden. She was 8 when she heard God spoke to her, telling her that she would take care of orphan kids. To make a long story short, she and her family took this seriously and years later they started the Orphans Know More Charity that operates as a ministry of both YWAM Harpenden and YWAM Uganda.

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